21 september 2023

Comprehensive development of tourist infrastructure on Sarpinsky Island in the Volgograd region

Comprehensive development of tourist infrastructure on Sarpinsky Island in the Volgograd region

Sarpinsky is the largest river island in the European part of Russia and has a high potential for tourism development. The Government of the Volgograd region has developed a preliminary concept for the development of the island, and is currently considering its integration into the Development Program of the hero city of Volgograd.  
Within the framework of the signed agreement on the development of Sarpinsky Island between the Government of the Volgograd Region and the investor CJSC Leader, it is planned to develop a master plan for the island's territory, which will be provided by the Tourism.RF Corporation with expert support. After the master plan is published, the composition of tourist and supporting infrastructure facilities necessary for the development of the island will be determined, optimal technical and economic indicators will be formed, key points of attraction for tourists and residents of the city will be determined, a single architectural code and a set of measures for the sustainable development of the territory will be created.  
Cooperation between the Tourism Corporation.The project is implemented within the framework of the current agreement on cooperation on joint development of tourist infrastructure between the Russian Federation and the Volgograd Region.