
General Director of DOM.Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko and General Director of the Tourism Corporation.On the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, Russian President Sergey Sukhanov signed an agreement aimed at comprehensive development of tourism infrastructure in the regions.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC "Corporation Tourism. RF". It reviewed master plans for the development of tourist territories " Aina Valley "(Sakhalin region)," Baikal Sloboda "(Irkutsk region)," Belokurikha Gornaya "(Altai Territory)," Kazan Marina " (Republic of Tatarstan).
The finalists of the open All-Russian competition with international participation for the development of architectural, planning and urban planning solutions for the future tourist territory "All-Russian beach family resort "Novaya Anapa""have been determined.