

The Russian government's subsidy of 11.6 billion rubles will be used for participation in the authorized capital of hotel builders and other infrastructure, as well as for the development of master plans for tourist areas, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Yuri Gordeev told TASS on Wednesday.
Argumenty I fakty Kamchatka

Kamchatka plans to develop a master plan concept for tourism development by the end of the year.
According to the representative of the regional government, Governor Vladimir Solodov and General Director of the Corporation " Tourism.Russian Federation" Sergey Sukhanov discussed the tourism potential of the region and further joint work on master planning of tourist territories.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia received 650 applications for the creation or modernization of providing tourist infrastructure from 68 regions of the country. This was announced by Deputy Director of the Department of Finance and Property Relations of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, administrator of the federal project "Development of tourist infrastructure" Georgy Argun, his words are quoted by the press service of the department.