
Russian Government

The state program "Tourism Development" until 2030 is being launched in Russia. It was approved by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The total amount of financial support for the state program until 2024 is 724 billion rubles. Of these, 168.4 billion rubles are from the federal budget, 75.8 billion rubles are from consolidated regional budgets, and 542.1 billion rubles are from extra-budgetary sources.
Press service of Tourism. RF

The competition committee, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, determined 30 tourist routes that won the All-Russian project of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) "Open your Russia". Routes are located in 21 regions, ten of them pass through the territories where the Corporation " Tourism.RF" develops tourist infrastructure.
Press service of Tourism. RF

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Government Commission on Tourism Development.